I examined the photo, The Pyramids of Sakkarah, From the North East, 1858 by Francis Frith. I chose this landscape because I think the pyramids are so beautiful and that they were onced used by people a long time ago. I also like the old look of the photograph that you can't get anymore. Those are my favorites. I have not been to Egypt before, but I would like to go. It is one of those wonders that everyone should see before they die. It's really funny to see those two random men lying around in the sand. One of my favorite parts in the photograph is seeing that one of the pyramids is still intact, while the other pyramid is falling apart. It really shows how old the pyramids actually are, and how wore down the weather makes them. There is no color used on the photograph, but I like the old looking black and white. It's very effective because the color reflects how old the pyramids really are, and if it was taken in color today again like that, it would not be nearly as effective. The photograph has a strong composition because of the one pyramid that's falling down, and the two men laying around. It couldn't be taken any other way. I would not change one thing about the picture. It is very effective. I would probably just sit there and stare at them for a very long time, it's one of those things you can only see once in your life. I would defidently put myself standing on top of the back pyramid with my arms straight up.